Community Mental Health Centers
A Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) or “clinic” is a publicly funded or partially publicly funded, not-for-profit center that contracts with Thriving Mind to provide inpatient, outpatient, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, pharmacy, group and individual therapy services and case management, among other services. Individuals without insurance, are able to receive these services based on their ability to pay. These centers often also offer substance use disorder treatment. In addition to CMHC, Thriving Mind contracts with agencies that primarily deliver treatment and interventions specific to substance use disorders.
Florida Assertive Community Treatment
Team of mental health professionals including psychiatrist, peers and other mental health professionals with expertise in different areas. FACT teams provide a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a week, multidisciplinary approach to deliver comprehensive care to people where they live, work or go to school, and spend their leisure time. The goals of this program are to prevent recurrent hospitalization and incarceration and improve community involvement and overall quality of life for program participants.
To receive treatment from a FACT team, a person needs to meet specified criteria.
Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Abuse Residential Level II facilities are licensed, structured rehabilitation-oriented group facilities that have twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, supervision. Level II facilities treat persons who have significant deficits in independent living skills and need extensive support and supervision. Level II services provide a range of assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and ancillary services in a less intensive therapeutic environment with an emphasis on rehabilitation and may include formal school and adult educational programs. These residential services also serve individuals with co-occurring mental illness.
To access residential treatment for Substance Use Disorder, a person must receive an assessment indicating the need for the level of care and be added to our system wide waiting list.
Thriving Mind manages access to these limited services. For questions about treatment bed availability, eligibility requirements or to advocate for a person currently on a waitlist, please email: or call 1-866-833-7477.
Forensic Services
The Forensic Mental Health Services Program pertains only to adults or juveniles adjudicated as adults who are charged with a felony offense pursuant to Chapter 916, F.S., and who are referred to the Network Service Provider subject to conditional release, pre-commitment diversion, or post-commitment diversion. The Forensic Mental Health Services Program has two distinct tracks, the Pre-commitment diversion track referred hereon as the Jail Diversion Program (JDP) Team and post-commitment or post-adjudication track referenced as the Forensic Specialist Outreach Team. The Forensic Mental Health Service Program aims to provide community-based behavioral health treatment with dignity and fairness, in the least restrictive manner possible, ensuring the safety of the people we serve, and the community.
Forensic Mental Health Services Program core elements include a Pre-commitment diversion track or Jail Diversion Program (JDP) Team and post-commitment or post-adjudication track referenced as the Forensic Specialist Outreach Team.
Forensic Specialist Outreach Team
The Forensic Specialist Outreach Team serves individuals who have been committed to the Department of Children and Families under the provisions of Chapter 916, F.S. Specifically, these are individuals who have received an Order for Evaluation of Competency or Sanity or have been adjudicated as Incompetent to Proceed (ITP) or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGI) due to mental illness by one of the state’s twenty (20) Circuit Courts. The Forensic Specialist Outreach Team also serve individuals who are permitted by the committing court to forego admission into a state mental health treatment facility (SMHTF) and reside in a less restrictive environment, and those we are admitted in a Forensic SMHTF pursuant to 916, F.S.
Thriving Mind manages access to these limited services.