New Horizons Launches First-of-its-Kind Living Room Program
New Horizons Launches First-of-its-Kind Living Room Program
New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, Inc. Opens Living Room Program
Teen Alcohol Use
Teen Alcohol Use
In 2019, over 7 million 12-to 20-year-olds reported past month alcohol use, over 4 million reported past month binge drinking, and nearly 1 million reported past month heavy alcohol use.
Who are Peers?
Who are Peers?
Thriving Mind’s Peer Services helps connect people who may just be starting in their recovery journey with services and others who are going through similar experiences.
What is drug addiction?
What is drug addiction?
How to recognize drug addiction.
Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and Thriving Mind is here to help. Go to our Get Help page here for resources for mental health and substance use for adults and children and youth. Despite advances in health equity, disparities in mental ...
Thriving Mind Supports Our Community
Thriving Mind Supports Our Community
Thriving Mind Supports Community Trauma, the combined impact of past and recent stressors, increases risk for mental health and substance use disorders. Thriving Mind South Florida supports our community, especially those with reduced access to care, a ...