Thriving Mind South Florida is facilitating the 2022 Behavioral Health Needs Assessment for the Southern Region (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties). The surveys cover individuals served, peer community, stakeholders and cultural health disparities.
The survey response deadline is Wednesday, March 9, 2022.Please complete one survey per person by clicking on the link. Again, thank you for sharing your perspective and helping to shape service delivery in our community.
Individual Served Survey
You or a family member maybe receiving or in past received mental health and substance use (behavioral health) treatment from one of our community service providers. Thriving Mind South Florida is facilitating the 2022 Behavioral Health Needs Assessment for the Southern Region (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties). Measuring your experience, awareness, and coordination of treatment and services will help us improve the behavioral health care system in our community. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short less than 5-minute survey. Be assured that no personal identification information is being gathered. We would greatly appreciate if you would please share this with other persons or family members, as their perspective is valuable.
Consumer Survey (English)
Consumer Survey (Spanish)
Consumer Survey (Creole)
Peer Survey
Thriving Mind South Florida is facilitating the 2022 Behavioral Health Needs Assessment for the Southern Region (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties). Gaining your perspective will help us improve the behavioral health care system for the peer recovery community. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short less than 5-minute survey. Be assured that no personal identification information is being gathered. We would greatly appreciate if you would please share this with other peers and peer organizations, as their perspective is valuable.
Peer Support Recovery Survey (English)
Peer Support Recovery Survey (Spanish)
Peer Support Recovery Survey (Creole)
Stakeholder Survey
Thriving Mind South Florida is facilitating the 2022 Behavioral Health Needs Assessment for the Southern Region (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties). Gaining your perspective will help us improve the behavioral health care system across the continuum of services. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short less than 5-minute survey. Be assured that no personal identification information is being gathered. We would greatly appreciate if you would please share this with your team and community partners, as their perspective is valuable.
Stakeholder Survey (English)
Stakeholder Survey (Survey)
Stakeholder Survey (Creole)
Cultural Health Disparities Survey
Thriving Mind South Florida is facilitating the 2022 Behavioral Health Needs Assessment for the Southern Region (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties). Measuring your experience, awareness, and coordination of treatment and services will help us improve the behavioral health care system in our community. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short less than 5-minute survey. We would greatly appreciate if you would please share this with other persons or family members, as their perspective is valuable.
Cultural Health Disparities Survey (English)
Cultural Health Disparities Survey (Spanish)
Cultural Health Disparities Survey (Creole)