Recovery-Oriented System of Care
A Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC) is a person-centered and wellness-focused framework of care. It builds on the strengths and resources of the individual, their family, and community to promote overall improvements in functioning.
Recovery Management is an approach which includes a variety of activities that promote and strengthen internal and external resources to help individuals secure the services they need to stabilize behavioral health conditions and maintain healthy levels of functioning.
Thriving Mind is currently transforming our system of care into one that is in alignment with these practices and ideals.
Training Calendar
ROSC Overview
This page will have basic overview resources to help explain the ROSC framework.
Create A Recovery Culture
Please click here to learn more about creating a recovery culture.
Building Collaborative Relationships with Person Served
Please click here to find resources about building collaborative, empathic, and respectful relationships with those we serve.
Affirm Autonomy and Self-Determination
Please click here to learn more about shared decision-making, autonomy, and self-determination in a recovery-oriented system of care.
Focus on Strength and Responsibility
Please click here to learn how to apply a strength-based approach.
Providing Person-First and Holistic
Please click here to learn about person-centered care
Being Responsive to Individualized and Diverse Needs
Click here to read about culture specific practices and individualized treatment for those we serve.
Building Community Partnerships for Support and Social Inclusion
Click here to learn about working with community organizations and building partnerships, collaborations, and other relationships to help the individuals receiving services while raising community awareness of needs, services, and collaborative associations.
Thriving Mind will host ROSC trainings on a variety of topics. When these become available, look here for a sign-up form.