Communications Department
The Communications Department at Thriving Mind is the point of contact for members of our provider network who would like to promote their work. The Communications Department produces newsletters for our staff, our provider network and our community. In addition, the Department maintains four social media platforms and maintains all content on this website.
The Communications Department also produces marketing materials (flyers, brochures, postcards), annual reports and other needed materials for our staff and leadership to communicate our system of care to the community.
Thriving Mind South Florida, its name and logo, is a registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, as well as the Florida Office on Trademarks. All uses of our logo must be reviewed before publication. See guidelines below.
If you are a member of the news media and would like to do a story about Thriving Mind, please reach out directly to Carrie A. Liberante or 954-483-7578.
Thriving Mind produces a number of brochures for the community and our provider network.
General Thriving Mind Brochure.
If you need materials in Spanish or Creole, please email Carrie Liberante, our communications director.
Thriving Mind South Florida’s name and logo are trademarked. Any use of our logo requires a review. If you would like to use our logo in documents, videos, etc., please contact Carrie A. Liberante at
Logo/sponsorship guidance
- Must use sponsorship line per contract language below
- If you are using logos, must use Thriving Mind and the Department of Children and Families logo
- Thriving Mind and Department of Children and Families each provide their own logo review/approval
- Carrie Liberante is Thriving Mind Contact and coordinates Department of Children and Families approval
Sponsorship or Financial Support Language
As required by section 286.25, F.S., if the Network Provider is a non-governmental organization which sponsors a program financed wholly or in part by State funds, including any funds obtained through this Contract, it shall, in publicizing, advertising, or describing the sponsorship of the program State: “Sponsored by (Network Provider’s Name), Thriving Mind South Florida and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families”. If the sponsorship reference is in written material, the words “Thriving Mind South Florida” and “State of Florida, Department of Children and Families” shall appear in at least the same size letters or type as the name of the organization.
If the sponsorship reference includes any logos or marks, then the logo for Thriving Mind South Florida and for the Department of Children and Families shall appear at least the same size as that for the Network Provider or other entities referenced.
The provider should go through Communications Director Carrie Liberante for permission to use the Department of Children and Families logo if they choose to included logos and then the logos need to be the same size as the Network Providers or other entities logos as per the second paragraph above.
Network Provider letterhead: Letterhead represents the individual organization and should not include logos or branding other than the individual organization or company. Neither Thriving Mind nor the Department of Children and Families approves of use of its logos on provider letterhead.